"Why thank you Mr. Invisible Reporter, it truly is an honor! Now I intend to...umm...uhhh..."
Well, shit.
I don't know how many of you have been through the process of immigrating or sponsoring a relative's immigration. I could go into a lot of long and tedious details, or I could sum it up for you in one sentence.
It's a massive pain in the ass.
The Canadian government is gearing up to dig its frozen nose into every aspect of my personal and professional life. They need a list of every single address I've had since I was nineteen. They need criminal background checks from every single country I've ever lived in. They need a lock of unicorn hair and a vial of puke from a baby angel.

Don't be deceived. She'll bite your fingers right off.
And that's fine. It'll work itself out. All it's going to take is time. So within one to two years, I should (knock on wood) have my Permanent Residency Visa. And I should be able to work even sooner, probably within six or seven months.
But until then, what in the world am I supposed to do with myself?
I've always been a "project" type of person. I like to set a specific time frame in which to complete a set of tasks, and then throw myself full-on into achieving that goal. This has always been one of the reasons why I love teaching so much. Report cards due in two weeks? Got it. Need to rehearse and perform a play with 30 nine-year-olds? Done. Plan a wedding in six months from 6000 miles away.?Gotta love a challenge.
But currently, it feels like everything has a giant To-Be-Determined sticker on it. I started researching the real estate market, but that isn't terribly useful until I know where we are going to end up. Ditto to the job market, since it's unlikely any of those jobs will still be open in May. I would love to do volunteer work at an animal shelter or something, but my lack of vehicular transportation combined with the exorbitant (seriously!) fees charged by public transportation make that a rough option. Sorry, but I can't spend $10 a day just to travel to a place and make no money.
So for now I'm just kind of spinning my wheels. Delving deeper into the depths of insomnia. Catching up on my reading.
Perhaps I'll learn to knit. Or scrapbook. Or begin the elusive hunt for unicorn hair. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Whatever you do I have no doubt that you will be successful. I must say whenever I see a couple on a travel show I think of you and Louie. The two of you compliment each other so well. You have always been very resourceful, a great imagination and positive attitude. You have a good man by your side and lots of people who love and believe in you. Lean towards doing things you love right now. Write. Loving you and keeping you in my prayers.