Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I'm Back Bitches!

Hey there! How's it going? Haven't seen you in years! Family doing okay? Great...that's just...great. Anyway...

I found a link to my rarely used blog linked to my rarely used Twitter account. Once I got through trying to remember when and why I ever registered for a Twitter account, I decided to take a journey back and look at my old blog.

My last post was in 2011. Two thousand and eleven. Jesus Christ a lot has happened in five years. Five years ago I was wondering whether or not President Obama would get re-elected (spoiler: he did) and I was sleeping in my best friend's living room while I waited for my working holiday visa to come in from Australia.

Since then, I've lived in three more countries, visited a dozen more, eaten a bunch of tacos, and finally got around to watching the final season of How I Met Your Mother (spoiler: it sucked). There was something else too...something important. Crap, what was it?

Oh yeh, I got married!


And moved to Canada.


And am currently living with my newly acquired in-laws until my newly acquired husband and I can find a place to live.


Oh, and because I shall shortly begin the process for permanent residency, I'm not legally allowed to work until Canada says so. Which is proving to be a bit of a problem.

You see, I've been steadily employed since I was sixteen years old. Often with multiple jobs. So all of a sudden I'm finding myself with an abundance of spare time. But not the really cool, "Okay I don't have to work let's go to a three day rock concert" spare time. More like the, "I would love to go to dinner with my husband but instantly regret going out to dinner with my husband because we currently have no income" kind of spare time.

So I've been learning a few lessons on how to keep myself entertained. I've baked a lot of deliciously unhealthy things. I've taken walks through the woods. I've re-watched all six seasons of Downton Abbey (spoiler: it's delightfully British).

So I've decided to give this another go. Totally stole the idea from my old friend Jessica Moore. Who has a totally awesome blog that you should totally check out because she has three beautiful daughters and her life is more interesting than mine.

On this blog you can expect to see:

1) Thoughts and observations on the differences between Canadian and American culture.
2) Bored rants
3) Angry rants
4) Weepy rants
5) Rants about potatoes

Okay, maybe not that last one so much.

On this blog you can expect NOT to see:

1) Fashion advice - I have none
2) Conspiracy theories about aliens coming to Earth to steal our left socks. They'll abduct me again if I blow their cover.
3) Makeup advice - I wear none
4) Videos of me doing random and weird things for the sake of being random and weird.

So there you have it. Give me a shout-out if you enjoy, as I'm terribly insecure and need to be loved.

See ya soon.



  1. Looking forward to your rants. Your life is still more interesting than mine.

  2. Good to see you back blogging. I love to hear more about your travels and you ending up in Canada. After all, you went from serving tables in a restaurant to traveling the world--now that's a story that needs written down.
